Articles Library
Article “Covid 19 & 5 G”

Article “Covid 19 & 5 G”

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G...

Article  “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

Article “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud !!! is one of fecesbook's current "fact-checkers…here is a little research on them…and it is obvious that they have a globalist slant… Fact Checking is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center...

Article “Trusting The Science, No Longer”

Article “Trusting The Science, No Longer”

“Dr. McCullough Names Four Key Conspirators in the Greatest Crime in Human History 1.) Dr. Anthony Fauci “Fauci was in on it the entire time. He was pretending like he was responding to something that was brand new, but he knew the entire time. In fact, he was part of...

Article “Cash Is King”

Article “Cash Is King”

This high tech world of convenience is not only killing off human existence, it’s actually costing allot more then many are aware of !!!Money controls Everything….. Why should we pay cash everywhere with banknotes instead of a card ? I have a $50 banknote in my...

Article “Climate Vaccines Are Coming For Cattle, Then For Humans”

Article “Climate Vaccines Are Coming For Cattle, Then For Humans”

What gives Bill Gates and these NGOs the right to mandate"medical treatments" two individuals who do not consent?What gives them the right to alter genetically the food supply that they are feeding us?And now they're starting to push towards outlawing you growing your...

Article “The Dark Forces Behind The Agenda Of The New World Order”

Article “The Dark Forces Behind The Agenda Of The New World Order”

The shadowy forces behind the NWO are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over humanity and the resources of our planet.David Icke coined the “Totalitarian of Puntilla”, because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive...

Article “The Wizard Of Oz – Did You Know”

Article “The Wizard Of Oz – Did You Know”

Did you know….. The Wizard of Oz…This is very interesting…???? The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction —The PERSON. He wanted a brain but got a Certificate — The Birth Certificate. The Tin Man — The TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). He was a...

Article “The Cattle Cars Are Coming”

Article “The Cattle Cars Are Coming”

"Dear America,Do not worry in these challenging times. The government is on top of this and have nothing but your best interests in mind.Sincerely,The Tuskegee "Guinea Pigs" “So many ignorant people pretending this isn’t happening. FEMA owns the country now. And...

Article “Never, Ever Comply, Take The Fine”

Article “Never, Ever Comply, Take The Fine”

DO NOT COMPLY! If a "health officer" shows up at your door and demands to check your vaccine papers, and threatens that you and your children will be force vaccinated against your will or face a $1000 fine, state this: You will take the $1000 fine, but you will also:...

Article “Ideology Masking As Leaderdhip, Killed The Canadian Dream”

Article “Ideology Masking As Leaderdhip, Killed The Canadian Dream”

Gen. Rick Hillier: Ideology masking as leadership killed the Canadian dream Enough of the gaslighting, evading, blaming and deluding. Canada needs to be made ours again “This is not Canada,” is a phrase we hear far too often. It seems to come from every politician,...

Article “Natural Law Is Freedom, Man’s Law Is Enslavement”

Article “Natural Law Is Freedom, Man’s Law Is Enslavement”

➝ Natural Law is Freedom: Man's Law is Enslavement. ????Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority. Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done...

Article “Cash Strapped Trump is Now Selling Bibles“

Article “Cash Strapped Trump is Now Selling Bibles“

Former President Donald Trump is bringing together church and state in a gilded package for his latest venture, a $60 "God Bless The USA" Bible complete with copies of the nation's founding documents.  Trump announced the launch of the leather-bound, large-print,...

Article “Tax Farm Slave”

Article “Tax Farm Slave”

You are not free, you are a slave on a tax farm…the move to a consumer based economy has only disconnected us even further from truth and freedom…the fact of the matter is this, you have to pay your master for permission to open a business, you have to pay your master...

Article “Chows Rain Water Tax”

Article “Chows Rain Water Tax”

Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow is contemplating taxing residents based on the amount of rainwater that falls onto their properties. Toronto Mayor Chow wants to implement rain tax The city’s proposal calls it a wastewater usage tax, and it’s based on the amount of rainwater...

Article “No Medical Doctor Will Sign This”

Article “No Medical Doctor Will Sign This”

PHYSICIAN’S WARRANTY OF VACCINE SAFETYI (Physician’s name, degree)_______________, _____ am a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State/Province of _________. My State/Provincial license number is ___________ , and my DEA number is ____________. My medical...

Article “Truth on Chemicals”

Article “Truth on Chemicals”


Article “ Legal Doesn’t Mean Right”

Article “ Legal Doesn’t Mean Right”

Justice against what's wrong doesn't come when we corrupt reality, truth or morality. When we create falsity through false authority, injustice reigns. Those of us who have less conditioning -- who don't obey the chain of authority; who have less attachment to falsity...

Article “Horrifying & Heartbreaking”

Article “Horrifying & Heartbreaking”

From a friend… Horrifying and heartbreaking. Written by a friend who's not a Russian troll responsible for the measles outbreak. 'You take your perfectly healthy child to the doctor. Doctor does a full health and developmental screening, congratulates you on your...

Article “Scaler Amp That Creates Earthquakes”

Article “Scaler Amp That Creates Earthquakes”

Scaler Weapons - read it and weep Now we are in the situation where can we can be subjected to mass hypnotism via satellite cities can be destroyed in an instant by nuclear-like explosions without...

Article “Create The Crisis, Then To The Rescue”

Article “Create The Crisis, Then To The Rescue”

HEGELIAN DIALECTIC, SIMPLIFIED IF YOU do not know who Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is, or if you do not understand his "dialectic" method of manipulation of the masses, then you really should not vote, and you really have nothing to say in any political discussion…...

Article “The Future Of Transhumanismn”

Article “The Future Of Transhumanismn”


Article “Sudden Deaths In Children Soar As Media Stay Silent”

Article “Sudden Deaths In Children Soar As Media Stay Silent”

“It is happening all over the world. There is no denying the C19 vaccine is injuring and killing. The best estimates are that C19 vaccines have killed and injured 585 million global citizens. There must be an IMMEDIATE global moratorium on the use of these lethal...

Article “A War For Our Minds”

Article “A War For Our Minds” ‘A War for Our Minds’: Journalists Warn of Vast Propaganda, Censorship Network Unlike Any Before in Human...

Article “Chemically Induced Autism”

Article “Chemically Induced Autism”

CHEMICALLY INDUCED AUTISM  This post cites proven healthcare problems from acetaminophen, Tylenol product recalls and deaths, and a listing of other products containing acetaminophen. Acetaminophen prevents the liver from detoxifying by blocking glutathione...

Article “France: Critismn of the MRNA Will be Punishable in the Future”

Article “France: Critismn of the MRNA Will be Punishable in the Future”

As reported by Thomas Oysmuller in TKP, The French National Assembly passed a controversial law on Wednesday that could criminalise encouraging people to refuse recommended medical treatments, including mRNA vaccines. Critics have dubbed it the “Article...

Article/Videos “Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada, Part 1”

Article/Videos “Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada, Part 1”

Article “RNA Deadly Sequence, the Dark Side of Modern Medicine”

Article “RNA Deadly Sequence, the Dark Side of Modern Medicine”

From the Publisher Unleash the Unseen Perils of Healing - From Cure to Catastrophe  Infertility, miscarriages, and inexplicable deaths sweep across continents, shrouding the world in a cloud of fear... A gripping narrative that delves into the shadows of medical...

Article “Federal Liberals Found Guilty by Federal Court”

Article “Federal Liberals Found Guilty by Federal Court”

BREAKING NEWS!! 2 years to the day after the first trucks left BC, Federal Court finds the Emergencies Act was not reasonable or justified. January 23rd 2024.

Video “Fentanyl For Minors Without Parents Consent”

Video “Fentanyl For Minors Without Parents Consent”

B.C. government quietly approving free fentanyl for minors without requiring any parental consent? The B.C. government has quietly been working with British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) to create protocols, approve, and offer taxpayer-funded "safe supply"...

Article – “Homesteading 101: How To Start Your Own Medicinal Herb Garden”

Article – “Homesteading 101: How To Start Your Own Medicinal Herb Garden”

Whether you’re a newbie to gardening or an experienced gardener with a green thumb, you might want to start growing medicinal plants in your home garden. This ensures that when you run out of medicine, you can use herbs and plants from your garden to treat common...

Article – “The Wonders Of Honey”

Article – “The Wonders Of Honey”

I did not know this. I have local honey in my tea. Alway using a metal spoon ????Did you know that one of the world's first coins had a bee symbol?Did you know that honey contains live enzymes?Did you know that in contact with a metal spoon, these enzymes die? The...

Article – “German Wide Action Day”

Article – “German Wide Action Day”

Christine Anderson @AndersonAfDMdEP Dear fellow citizens, Tomorrow, January the 8th, 2024, the time has come. The nation is finally and literally fed up. Starting in the early morning hours, large protests will take place across Germany, which I assume will paralyze...

Article – “You Need A Gun”

Article – “You Need A Gun”

GRAHAM GREENE - Born June 22, 1952, on the Six Nations Reserve in Ohsweken, Ontario, Mr. Greene is a 68 year old FIRST NATIONS Canadian actor who belongs to the ONEIDA tribe. He has worked on stage, in film, and in TV productions in Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. He...

Article – “Corporate Con Job’s”

Article – “Corporate Con Job’s”

By eliminating competition, giant consolidated firms can get away with charging higher prices for worse goods and services.

Article – “The Charles Schultz Philisophy”

Article – “The Charles Schultz Philisophy”

Possibly the Most important thing you'll read this Year…The Charles Schulz PhilosophyThe following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.You don't have to actually answer the questions.Just ponder on them. Just read it straight...

Article – “Understand What Not Using Cash Is Doing”

Article – “Understand What Not Using Cash Is Doing”

Cash is important. ???? Why should we pay cash everywhere we canwith banknotes instead of a credit card? I have a $50 banknote in my pocket.Going to a restaurant and paying for dinner with it. The restaurant owner then uses the bill to pay for the laundry. The laundry...

Video/Article – “Unacceptable, The Movie”

Video/Article – “Unacceptable, The Movie”

DID YOU KNOW THAT the Movie 'UNACCEPTABLE?' WON AT THE CANNES WORLD FILM FESTIVAL This News is exciting to share. UNACCEPTABLE? is a movie that tells a story about one of the most significant pages in Canadian history - the Freedom Convoy. It became a winner at the...

Article – “Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization (1930)”

Article – “Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization (1930)”

Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (1930) ”My own view on religion is that of Lucretius.* I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race. I cannot, however, deny that it has made some contributions to...

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

When Friends and Family All Start Actin Shocked by What’s Happening And I’m Like Did Ya’ll Miss My Last 250,000 Posts?

Article/WebSite – “Vax Injury Exposed”

Article/WebSite – “Vax Injury Exposed” Canada's Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) has paid out $6,695,716 to 103 people (out of 1,859 claims), "where it has been determined by the Medical Review Board that there is a probable link between the injury and the vaccine, and that the injury...

Article – “The Zero Emissions Fraud”

Article – “The Zero Emissions Fraud”

This is a Tesla model Y battery. It takes up all of the space under the passenger compartment of the car. To manufacture it you need:--12 tons of rock for Lithium (can also beextracted from sea water)-- 5 tons of cobalt minerals (Most cobalt is madeas a byproduct of...

Article/Video “Mass Hypnosis”

MASS HYPNOSIS How many of you have heard of Mass Formation?Many times I have asked, 'Why did the German People lose their morals and humanity in the 2nd WW?' Prof Mattias Desmet explains how and why this happened and is happening again.Why some of you are so angry at...

Article – “Harper Not A Canadian Farmer Fan”

Article – “Harper Not A Canadian Farmer Fan”

December 2014 WTF!!! Harper conservative government is Giving away Canadian Wheat Board's $250-$300 million dollar assets for (FREE) to a Foreign multinational corporation instead of selling it back to Canadian farmers?? >> -SHARE! VIDEO:...

Image/Article – “All The Worlds Carbon Emissions”

Image/Article – “All The Worlds Carbon Emissions”

Visualizing All the World’s Carbon Emissions by Country ???? Visualizing All The World’s Carbon Emissions By Country The greenhouse effect, essential for sustaining Earth’s life-friendly temperatures, has been intensified by burning fossil fuels. This amplification of...

Article – “True Story”

Article – “True Story”

TRUE STORY As the economy began tanking - corruption and poor fiscal policy of the last years began to come show their fruit in society.Loans from the IMF (International Monetary Fund) were utilized to prop up the national economy and a series of unpopular reforms...

Article – “Man Made Covid 19 Pandemic, Scam of the Century”

Article – “Man Made Covid 19 Pandemic, Scam of the Century”

Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and feelings regarding the Covid 19 Pandemic, just have some facts…. Just to be clear, I don’t live a Life of Fear. I do fight for Our Rights & Freedoms on a daily basis, while Others are quite content to easily hand them...

Article – “Artificial Intelligence – Robert Reich”

Article – “Artificial Intelligence – Robert Reich”

Artificial Intelligence has huge potential social benefits, such as devising new lifesaving drugs or finding new ways to teach children. But it also has even larger potential social costs. If we’re not careful, AI could be a Frankenstein monster: It might eliminate...

Article/Video – “The Covid – 19 Genocide of 2020”

Article/Video – “The Covid – 19 Genocide of 2020”

Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, she/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current...

Article – “Broken by Design: Why The Elites Want Everything and Everyone to Have an Expiration Date”

Article – “Broken by Design: Why The Elites Want Everything and Everyone to Have an Expiration Date”

TOPICS:Mathew MaavakSurveillance NOVEMBER 13, 2023 By Dr. Mathew Maavak Is the proliferation of poor-quality products, services and talent part of a creative destruction process under the New Normal – leading to universal surveillance? “They don’t make them like...

Article – “We the Exploited: The U.S. Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power”

Article – “We the Exploited: The U.S. Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power”

Americans have become easy prey for hackers, scammers, snitches, spies, and con artists. But don’t be fooled into thinking the government is protecting you. To the contrary, the U.S. government is selling us (or rather, our data) to the highest bidders. By the way,...

Article – “Cash Is King”

Article – “Cash Is King”

Please understand what not using cash is doing !!! Cash is important!Why should we pay cash everywhere with banknotes instead of a card? I have a $50 banknote in my pocket. Going to a restaurant and paying for dinner with it. The restaurant owner then uses the bill to...

Article – “Howard Zinn On Civil Disobedience”

Article – “Howard Zinn On Civil Disobedience”

By Cihan Aksan  • Jan. 27, 2018 To commemorate the eighth anniversary of the death of historian and activist Howard Zinn, we republish the interview we conducted with him in January 2007. You once wrote that direct action ‘encompasses a great variety of...

Agreement – “Pfizers Covid 19 Vaccine Contract with Canada”

Agreement – “Pfizers Covid 19 Vaccine Contract with Canada”

Access to Information Request Reveals Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Contract with Canada. Within the contract dated October 26, 2020, on page 18, it states that the "Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently...

Article – “How Many Extraterrestrials Might be on Earth? There Could be Herds of Them! I’m Not Joking”

Article – “How Many Extraterrestrials Might be on Earth? There Could be Herds of Them! I’m Not Joking”

With that heading said, let's have a look at some creepy, not-quite-human things. prowling around. Gloria is an elderly woman who lives in Decatur, Texas and who I met with on the afternoon of the 22nd. I decided to make the approximately 110-mile-roundtrip, after...

Article – “If There Was Ever A Time”

Article – “If There Was Ever A Time”

"If there was ever a time for ‘progressives’ to show an understanding that Western values are under assault, this would be it. Instead, the left has chosen a mix of surrender and outright cooperation with one of the most regressive ideologies on Earth.For many years,...

Article – “Some Things To Ponder”

Article – “Some Things To Ponder”

Just some things to ponder ???? ???? What is an Egyptian pyramid doing on a US dollar bill? Why have 56 countries signed a treaty to not venture into Antarctica? Why do planes never fly over Antarctica? How is it that the moon is the perfect distance and position to...

Article – “The Inquiry”

Article – “The Inquiry”

Re: The Inquiry: Nov 8, 2023 THE CONVOY isn’t under investigation. THE GOVERNMENT IS. The truckers came because of government overreach. They came because of unjustified lockdowns and measures. They came because the government tore families apart, because the...

Article – “Prominent Swiss banker calls for “arrest” of entire World Economic Forum (WEF) for “democide” caused by “bioweapon” COVID shots”

Article – “Prominent Swiss banker calls for “arrest” of entire World Economic Forum (WEF) for “democide” caused by “bioweapon” COVID shots”

Prominent Swiss banker calls for “arrest” of entire World Economic Forum (WEF) for “democide” caused by “bioweapon” COVID shots 10/27/2023 / By Ethan Huff The son of one of the co-founders of the World Economic Forum (WEF), now a retired Swiss banker,...

Article – “Everyone’s Afraid Of Cancer But This Kills More People Than Cancer Yearly”

Article – “Everyone’s Afraid Of Cancer But This Kills More People Than Cancer Yearly”

The big scary C word is a word you never want to hear while at the doctors office. Cancer is often seen as the ‘death diagnosis’ but this isn’t necessarily the case. Many people survive cancer, and for the most part, you have an earlier diagnosis on cancer. While this...

Article – “‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Imminent Danger Lurking Ahead – Here’s What You Need To Know”

Article – “‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Imminent Danger Lurking Ahead – Here’s What You Need To Know”

In 2012, Dr. Geoffrey Hinton and two of his graduate students at the University of Toronto developed technology that has served as the intellectual foundation for the artificial intelligence (AI) systems that major tech companies believe are crucial to their future....

Article – “There is No Moral Difference”

Article – “There is No Moral Difference”

I'm not telling you what I believe your answer to these questions should be, I just want you to think about them. For the record, though, whether we personally believe that it's morally right to kill other human beings in the first place or not, some people believe...

Article – “Medical Doctor Speaks Out”

Article – “Medical Doctor Speaks Out”

Another well established Medical Doctor speaks out !!!Let’s see how long this stays up before it is banned ???—————————————————————————— At last some clarity on the contentious issue of wearing masks to prevent viral transmission. Dr. Jim Meehan explains why masks...
