Bill C 18
Meme/Image “Fact Checks Coming True”

Meme/Image “Fact Checks Coming True”

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “WEF is the Unelected Government of the World”

Meme/Image “WEF is the Unelected Government of the World”

Meme/Image – “Corruption To The Core”

Meme/Image – “Corruption To The Core”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”

Meme/Image – “Lied To And Brainwashed”

Meme/Image – “Lied To And Brainwashed”

Meme/Image – “Always Stand, Even If You Are On Your Own”

Meme/Image – “Always Stand, Even If You Are On Your Own”

Meme/Image – “The Real Conspiracy Theorists”

Meme/Image – “The Real Conspiracy Theorists”

Meme/Image – “Truth And Facts Matter”

Meme/Image – “Truth And Facts Matter”

Video/Article – “Unacceptable, The Movie”

Video/Article – “Unacceptable, The Movie”

DID YOU KNOW THAT the Movie 'UNACCEPTABLE?' WON AT THE CANNES WORLD FILM FESTIVAL This News is exciting to share. UNACCEPTABLE? is a movie that tells a story about one of the most significant pages in Canadian history - the Freedom Convoy. It became a winner at the...

Meme/Image – “Drawing Lines in the Sand”

Meme/Image – “Drawing Lines in the Sand”

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

When Friends and Family All Start Actin Shocked by What’s Happening And I’m Like Did Ya’ll Miss My Last 250,000 Posts?

Image – “World Economic Forum Puppet”

Image – “World Economic Forum Puppet”

Meme – “WEF – Social Credit Score”

Meme – “WEF – Social Credit Score”

Meme – “Great Idea”

Meme – “Great Idea”

Meme – “No Trust At All”

Meme – “No Trust At All”

Meme – “Wish We Were Wrong”

Meme – “Wish We Were Wrong”

Article – “Liberal Government To Be Most Transparent, That Was A Lie”

Article – “Liberal Government To Be Most Transparent, That Was A Lie”

Larry Brock Michael Barrett and I released the following statement on the Liberal-NDP government shutting down testimony from the RCMP: “Justin Trudeau is guilty of breaking Canada’s ethics laws by protecting a corrupt, politically connected company by firing his...

Article – “7 Precautions to Protect Yourself from The Great Reset”

Article – “7 Precautions to Protect Yourself from The Great Reset”

By Paul A Philips  Designed for globalist world leaders to engineer a global domination, the purported World Economic Forum and the Great Reset has far greater, darker, wider-reaching implications than most people realize. Indeed, these are dangerous and...

Meme – “Amy Goodman – Democracy Now”

Meme – “Amy Goodman – Democracy Now”

Article – “RIP Canada”

Article – “RIP Canada”

RIP Canada. You went soft on discipline. You went soft on immigration. You went soft on crime. Parents were told 'No you can't smack the kids'. Teachers were prevented from chastising kids in schools. The police couldn't clip a troublemaker round the ear. Well done...

Image – “Truth vs The Main Stream Media”

Image – “Truth vs The Main Stream Media”

Meme – “Enemies of the People”

Meme – “Enemies of the People”

Meme “Look Into It”

Meme “Look Into It”

Article – “Motion to Repel Carbon Tax”

Article – “Motion to Repel Carbon Tax”

The Bloc Quebecois say the carbon tax needs to be increased radically, and it's crucial for their voters to be aware of this. The NDP and Liberals have backed proposals to quadruple the carbon tax – a fact that Canadians should know about. Seven Atlantic Liberal MPs...

Meme – “New World Order… Can it be Stopped?”

Meme – “New World Order… Can it be Stopped?”

Video – “If Canada Health Was Actually Honest”

Video – “If Canada Health Was Actually Honest”,vid:GVZ1W66a3...
