911 Truth & Lies
Article  “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

Article “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud !!! Factcheck.org is one of fecesbook's current "fact-checkers…here is a little research on them…and it is obvious that they have a globalist slant… Fact Checking FactCheck.orgFactCheck.org is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center...

Meme/Image “The Fact Checking Fraud”

Meme/Image “The Fact Checking Fraud”

I'VE READ AN AWFULLY LOT OF HISTORY BOOKS, AND THE ONE CONSISTENT THING I HAVE LEARNED IS THAT PEOPLE WHO FIGHT AGAINST FREE SPEECH ARE NEVER THE GOOD GUYS. Those who attempt to quell the free exchange of ideas, or attempt to stifle dissenting opinion are the enemies...

Meme/Image “Keep Planting Seeds”

Meme/Image “Keep Planting Seeds”

Meme/Image “Fact Checking Fraud”

Meme/Image “Fact Checking Fraud”

"FACT CHECKING" Fact-checking has reached such an absurd level that it actually exposes itself as a fraud… They FEAR you speaking upThey FEAR you won't complyThey FEAR you realizing you don't need themThey FEAR you realizing you have the powerThey FEAR you using that...

Meme/Image “Fact Checks Coming True”

Meme/Image “Fact Checks Coming True”

Meme/Image “The Death Of Truth”

Meme/Image “The Death Of Truth”

Article “The Dark Forces Behind The Agenda Of The New World Order”

Article “The Dark Forces Behind The Agenda Of The New World Order”

The shadowy forces behind the NWO are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over humanity and the resources of our planet.David Icke coined the “Totalitarian of Puntilla”, because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive...

Image “Kennedy Speech 1961, Predicted The Future”

Image “Kennedy Speech 1961, Predicted The Future”

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on...

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “Opinions Mean Nothing, Facts/Truths Matter”

Meme/Image “Opinions Mean Nothing, Facts/Truths Matter”

Meme/Image “Be A Rebel”

Meme/Image “Be A Rebel”

“Most people end up being conformists; they adapt to prison life. A few become reformers; they fight for better lighting, better ventilation. Hardly anyone becomes a rebel, a revolutionary who breaks down the prison walls. You...

Meme/Image “Sad Reality of the World We Live In”

Meme/Image “Sad Reality of the World We Live In”

Meme/Image “Illusion Of Choice”

Meme/Image “Illusion Of Choice”

Meme/Image “Most Will Never Be Unplugged”

Meme/Image “Most Will Never Be Unplugged”

“We Tried To Tell You, Ignorance is No Longer An Excuse”

“We Tried To Tell You, Ignorance is No Longer An Excuse”

Meme/Image “Always Pay Close Attention”

Meme/Image “Always Pay Close Attention”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”

Meme/Image – “No Different In Canada”

Meme/Image – “No Different In Canada”

Meme/Image – “Lied To And Brainwashed”

Meme/Image – “Lied To And Brainwashed”

Meme/Image – “Always Stand, Even If You Are On Your Own”

Meme/Image – “Always Stand, Even If You Are On Your Own”

Meme/Image – “Cheers To All The People”

Meme/Image – “Cheers To All The People”

Meme/Image – “The Real Conspiracy Theorists”

Meme/Image – “The Real Conspiracy Theorists”

Meme/Image – “Truth And Facts Matter”

Meme/Image – “Truth And Facts Matter”

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

When Friends and Family All Start Actin Shocked by What’s Happening And I’m Like Did Ya’ll Miss My Last 250,000 Posts?

Image – “Mass Hypnosis, Most Are Unaware”

Image – “Mass Hypnosis, Most Are Unaware”

Meme – “Everything Changes, Once You Wake Up”

Meme – “Everything Changes, Once You Wake Up”

Meme – “The 8 Real Threats To Humanity”

Meme – “The 8 Real Threats To Humanity”

Article – “Broken by Design: Why The Elites Want Everything and Everyone to Have an Expiration Date”

Article – “Broken by Design: Why The Elites Want Everything and Everyone to Have an Expiration Date”

TOPICS:Mathew MaavakSurveillance NOVEMBER 13, 2023 By Dr. Mathew Maavak Is the proliferation of poor-quality products, services and talent part of a creative destruction process under the New Normal – leading to universal surveillance? “They don’t make them like...

Article – “Some Things To Ponder”

Article – “Some Things To Ponder”

Just some things to ponder ???? ???? What is an Egyptian pyramid doing on a US dollar bill? Why have 56 countries signed a treaty to not venture into Antarctica? Why do planes never fly over Antarctica? How is it that the moon is the perfect distance and position to...

Meme – “No Trust At All”

Meme – “No Trust At All”

Meme – “Wish We Were Wrong”

Meme – “Wish We Were Wrong”

Meme – “Amy Goodman – Democracy Now”

Meme – “Amy Goodman – Democracy Now”

Image – “Truth vs The Main Stream Media”

Image – “Truth vs The Main Stream Media”

Meme “Look Into It”

Meme “Look Into It”

Meme – “New World Order… Can it be Stopped?”

Meme – “New World Order… Can it be Stopped?”

Censored & Silenced

Censored & Silenced

The news media was fascinated by 9/11. But they didn't like the eye witness accounts of multiple explosions that day. So they made them all go away - but we kept them.   Video: https://www.brasscheck.com/video/what-the-real-9-11-witnesses-saw-and-heard/

9/11 Exposed

9/11 Exposed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXRDq9nKJ0U 9/11 Exposed serves as a controversial inquiry into the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, calling into question the physics behind the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings. Essentially a...

Gladio, Northwoods, and 9/11

Gladio, Northwoods, and 9/11

Gladio, Northwoods, and 9/11... What do these three operations havein common? Most important viewing. Video: https://www.brasscheck.com/video/9-11-gladio-and-operation-northwoods/

911 – Controlled Demolition

911 – Controlled Demolition

               BrasscheckTV Report===================================== People who design, engineer, build anddemolish buildings for a living, agree... The Twin Towers and WTC 7 came downas the result of controlled demolition....

911 – Unreported, Unrecorded

911 – Unreported, Unrecorded

The biggest maritime evacuation in history took place on September 11, 2001 in Manhattan. It was handled by a spontaneous fleet of hundreds of boat owners, large and small, who rushed to help people in need without any concern for their own safety. I bet you NEVER...

911 – The Wiring

911 – The Wiring

We know that the weekend immediately preceding 9/11, the security cameras were powered down and the normal patrols with bomb sniffing dogs were curtailed. That's an indisputable fact. Now here's the question of the century. Did a single weekend give enough time for...
