Human Trafficking
Meme/Image “Keep Planting Seeds”

Meme/Image “Keep Planting Seeds”

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “Be A Rebel”

Meme/Image “Be A Rebel”

“Most people end up being conformists; they adapt to prison life. A few become reformers; they fight for better lighting, better ventilation. Hardly anyone becomes a rebel, a revolutionary who breaks down the prison walls. You...

Meme/Image “Illusion Of Choice”

Meme/Image “Illusion Of Choice”

Meme/Image “They Control the World”

Meme/Image “They Control the World”

Your government is now bought and paid for by these people and several other groups… We are not a constitutional republic nor are we any kind of democracy but we are a neoliberal fascist dictatorship… A corporate oligarchy masquerading as a government "of the people…...

Meme/Image “Most Will Never Be Unplugged”

Meme/Image “Most Will Never Be Unplugged”

“We Tried To Tell You, Ignorance is No Longer An Excuse”

“We Tried To Tell You, Ignorance is No Longer An Excuse”

Meme/Image – “Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, All Of Epstiens Friends Are Deciding What Is Best For You”

Meme/Image – “Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, All Of Epstiens Friends Are Deciding What Is Best For You”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”
