The Uncommon Canadian

The Uncommon Canadian

Being misinformed is a choice… “Knowledge is Power”

The Uncommon Canadian

The Uncommon Canadian

I Do Not Choose To Be A Common Man
“It is my right to be uncommon – if I can. I seek opportunity, not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk, to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed, to be empowered, not enslaved. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenge of life to a guaranteed existence, the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence, nor dignity for a handout. It is my heritage to think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and face the world boldly and say, with hope, honesty, integrity, the love of my family & friends and the grace of God, this I have done.”

Welcome to The Uncommon Canadian – Education Initiative
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

Some of the topics, articles and information here, you might find alarming. However, I do suggest you read through at your comfort level. Unfortunately, people are guided by the propaganda displayed in our everyday news. Together we can make a difference in this world. By educating ourselves and applying what we learn, taking responsibility for our own existence and actions and forcing our elected officials to be accountable for their actions is the key to the future!
I would like to take this time to thank and give credit to all those responsible for the information and articles available on this site presently and in the future. We are living in troubled times, unfortunately, the majority of Society have no idea what is coming very quickly and in the future.

Love & Peace
Bud Azzopardi – Founder
The Uncommon Canadian – Education Initiative

Felson: “To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many, is research.”
The Uncommon Canadian accepts no responsibility for how this information is used. Please govern yourself accordingly.

This site, first published many years ago in 2007, because of a Canadian Hockey Player and the final Post was in 2013. There was well over 1200 articles posted on the original Blog. I have no idea where they all are now?

7 years later, April 1, 2020, I decided to start posting again, as We were living in the Man Made Corona Virus Pandemic, with a Global Shut Down of the Economy and more importantly, the Globalist instilling fear into Society using Governments, Corporations and the corrupt Main Stream Media. I did not do much posting during that time and now I sit, this month of September in 2023, recreating what I built 16 years ago.
This site is not for everyone. There will not be any comment sections or contact email. It will be read only. Feel free to copy and paste anything you see here and share with others. This site is for those who want to look at alternative information the Main Stream Media is not sharing with You. I strongly urge you to do your own research as well. Please don’t get angry or frightened by what you see or research. Use the information to empower yourself and change your way of thinking.

Knowledge is Power!

Blog Posts

Article “Covid 19 & 5 G”

Article “Covid 19 & 5 G”

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G...

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Meme/Image “The Fear Of JFK Jr”

Meme/Image “The Fear Of JFK Jr”

STOP BEING USEFUL IDIOTS | Minds By not allowing JFK Jr. into the debate they both win. They are both cowards in a rigged system. That’s sad, most Americans don’t like or support either man. Is it any wonder over half of Americans don't even vote anymore. Be a...

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Meme/Image “Climate Change Hoax”

Meme/Image “Climate Change Hoax”


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Meme/Image “BlackRock”

Meme/Image “BlackRock”

Regardless if you are aware, or not, Society and it’s Governments, are controlled daily by Corporations, most people have never heard of before.News Flash:Just because you are unaware, does not mean it’s not happening !!!

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Article  “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

Article “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud !!! is one of fecesbook's current "fact-checkers…here is a little research on them…and it is obvious that they have a globalist slant… Fact Checking is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center...

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Meme/Image “The Fact Checking Fraud”

Meme/Image “The Fact Checking Fraud”

I'VE READ AN AWFULLY LOT OF HISTORY BOOKS, AND THE ONE CONSISTENT THING I HAVE LEARNED IS THAT PEOPLE WHO FIGHT AGAINST FREE SPEECH ARE NEVER THE GOOD GUYS. Those who attempt to quell the free exchange of ideas, or attempt to stifle dissenting opinion are the enemies...

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Images “The Climate Change – Carbon Tax Fraud”

Images “The Climate Change – Carbon Tax Fraud”

The Climate Change - Carbon Tax Fraud 1988, 66.5% of the spatial area of the U.S. mainland was >90°F (32°C). Today's “unprecedented climate-fueled heat dome” only managed to get 17% of the U.S. land area >90° at peak heating. Our thermometer data doesn't lie,...

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Meme/Image “It’s Not Ok Now”

Meme/Image “It’s Not Ok Now”

The truth/facts are being exposed daily, at the cost of many getting ill and leaving this World very suddenly !!!In my heart of hearts, I wish everyone who got vaccinated, all the best in the future, even the many who were unkind to me with my decision to not get...

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Meme/Image “Fact Checking Fraud”

Meme/Image “Fact Checking Fraud”

"FACT CHECKING" Fact-checking has reached such an absurd level that it actually exposes itself as a fraud… They FEAR you speaking upThey FEAR you won't complyThey FEAR you realizing you don't need themThey FEAR you realizing you have the powerThey FEAR you using that...

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Meme/Image “WTF Is Happening”

Meme/Image “WTF Is Happening”

I will never be that Person that says, “I Told You So”, regardless of how much flack I get when I Post on Social Media.I Post to hopefully make People think for themselves, not think like Me…. Ignorance is a Choice, just like being informed is a Choice.The Covid 19...

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Meme/Image “You Are What You Eat”

Meme/Image “You Are What You Eat”

When you are sick, addicted and dumbed down, you are much easier to manipulate…LIVE FREE, EAT HEALTHY! Healthcare does not come from a pill bottle… It comes from exercise and proper nutrition!

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Meme/Image “You Are The Carbon They Want To Eliminate”

Meme/Image “You Are The Carbon They Want To Eliminate”

Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish physicist and chemist discovered that increasing levels of CO2 produced logarithmically decreasing warming. He said more CO2 will provide "more equable and better climates." Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry in 1903. Now, Kamala Harris just...

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Article “The Tesla Scam”

Article “The Tesla Scam”

Outside of the Covid 19 Plandemic Scam, this is the biggest Scam unleashed onto Society !!! I don’t care if you want to drive an Electric Vehicle, just quit pounding your chest like you are saving the World !!! You are not doing any such thing !!! Even if 90 % of what...

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Article “Trumps Truths/Facts”

Article “Trumps Truths/Facts”

The Truth/Facts Trumpateers choose to look the other way, or are to ignorant to comprehend. Either way, both Ass Clown Trump and his supporters bring me a great deal of entertainment !!!!! Convicted felon Donald J. Trump has attacked the judge and prosecutors, but he...

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Image “The Covid 19 Lies”

Image “The Covid 19 Lies”

“Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children. The study evaluated...

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Article “Trusting The Science, No Longer”

Article “Trusting The Science, No Longer”

“Dr. McCullough Names Four Key Conspirators in the Greatest Crime in Human History 1.) Dr. Anthony Fauci “Fauci was in on it the entire time. He was pretending like he was responding to something that was brand new, but he knew the entire time. In fact, he was part of...

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Article “Cash Is King”

Article “Cash Is King”

This high tech world of convenience is not only killing off human existence, it’s actually costing allot more then many are aware of !!!Money controls Everything….. Why should we pay cash everywhere with banknotes instead of a card ? I have a $50 banknote in my...

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Article “Teach Them At A Young Age”

Article “Teach Them At A Young Age”

Teaching your child how to research and think for themselves is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. This skill set forms the foundation for lifelong learning, critical thinking, and personal empowerment. In today's information-rich world, the ability to...

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Article “The Wizard Of Oz – Did You Know”

Article “The Wizard Of Oz – Did You Know”

Did you know….. The Wizard of Oz…This is very interesting…???? The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction —The PERSON. He wanted a brain but got a Certificate — The Birth Certificate. The Tin Man — The TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). He was a...

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Meme/Image “The Boogeyman Word to Control Society”

Meme/Image “The Boogeyman Word to Control Society”

The word “Inflation”, is the Boogeyman Word Governments use to control its citizens.The sooner Society understands this, the sooner Society can take back the control, which unfortunately, will never happen. The Globalists will never allow it.

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Article “Google Hides Information”

Article “Google Hides Information”

Google is so powerful that it "hides" other search systems from us. We just don't know the existence of most of them.Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of...

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Meme/Image “People, OMG What’s Happening”

Meme/Image “People, OMG What’s Happening”

Cheers to those who never fell for all the Propganda, Brainwashing, Division and Segregation, perpetuated by the Governments, Pathetic Medical Establishment, Corporations, Globalists, Pharmaceutical & Vaccine Manufacturers…..Sadly, there are many still with their...

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Meme/Image “Rockefeller ~ Controlled Medicine”

Meme/Image “Rockefeller ~ Controlled Medicine”

ROCKEFELLER-BIG PHARMA CONTROL GRID"Not only do the boards of Memorial Sloan Kettering havedirect ties to the Rockefellers; they are also closely linked withdefense industries, the CIA, and chemical and drug firms. It is noaccident that they serve on the board of an...

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Meme/Image “ It’s All In Place”

Meme/Image “ It’s All In Place”

I HAD TO EXPLAIN PART OF THE MAJOR DEPOPULATION AGENDA TO SOMEONE AND I AM NOW SHARING IT WITH YOU: Joanne Birsan Addis, the 5G grid is already in place in most of the world. The United States has it all over and Europe is coming on strong with it too. It is what is...

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Image “No Cash At RBC Alberta”

Image “No Cash At RBC Alberta”

I just shake my head at all those who don’t believe this is coming ??? It’s already here, most are just too blind to see, until it’s too late….. Don't think we're heading to a cashless society?Say things like "That'll never happen here." or "They can't do that."Guess...

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Image “Bless Me Father”

Image “Bless Me Father”

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl."The priest asks, "Is that you, little Joey Pagano?""Yes, Father, it is.""And who was the girl you were with?""I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation.""Well, Joey, I'm sure to...

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Meme/Image “Out Of Control Spending”

Meme/Image “Out Of Control Spending”

LOL… I don’t care how Musk spends his money, I just have a challenge with him being a hypocrite, when it comes to his championing of Free Speech.LOL, as far as the 2 Clowns below, I just laugh and glad I don’t Vote, so I bare no responsibility !!!

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