Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G...

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G...
The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud !!! Factcheck.org is one of fecesbook's current "fact-checkers…here is a little research on them…and it is obvious that they have a globalist slant… Fact Checking FactCheck.orgFactCheck.org is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center...
"FACT CHECKING" Fact-checking has reached such an absurd level that it actually exposes itself as a fraud… They FEAR you speaking upThey FEAR you won't complyThey FEAR you realizing you don't need themThey FEAR you realizing you have the powerThey FEAR you using that...
I will never be that Person that says, “I Told You So”, regardless of how much flack I get when I Post on Social Media.I Post to hopefully make People think for themselves, not think like Me…. Ignorance is a Choice, just like being informed is a Choice.The Covid 19...
The shadowy forces behind the NWO are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over humanity and the resources of our planet.David Icke coined the “Totalitarian of Puntilla”, because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive...
I HAD TO EXPLAIN PART OF THE MAJOR DEPOPULATION AGENDA TO SOMEONE AND I AM NOW SHARING IT WITH YOU: Joanne Birsan Addis, the 5G grid is already in place in most of the world. The United States has it all over and Europe is coming on strong with it too. It is what is...
If you keep looking down at your cell phone, you wouldn’t know they were spraying chemicals down on earth. The chemtrails phrase and the cell phones came out during the same time. 1990’s ????
It is strange and eerie feeling to come to therealization that the very wealthy in the world, theones who control the media, governments, thefinancial systems, education, Pharmacompanies and technology are either knowinglyor unknowingly trying to kill us,...
“Most people end up being conformists; they adapt to prison life. A few become reformers; they fight for better lighting, better ventilation. Hardly anyone becomes a rebel, a revolutionary who breaks down the prison walls. You...
I DO NOT CONSENT This is literally the most powerful affirmation you can use against the Cabal. Use it everywhere, and often. The more people that DECLARE this with intent, the less power they will have over your reality, and over the collective as a whole.. .
HEGELIAN DIALECTIC, SIMPLIFIED IF YOU do not know who Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is, or if you do not understand his "dialectic" method of manipulation of the masses, then you really should not vote, and you really have nothing to say in any political discussion…...
https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/02/29/a-war-for-our-minds-journalists-warn-of-vast-propaganda-censorship-network-unlike-any-before-in-human-history/ ‘A War for Our Minds’: Journalists Warn of Vast Propaganda, Censorship Network Unlike Any Before in Human...
Your government is now bought and paid for by these people and several other groups… We are not a constitutional republic nor are we any kind of democracy but we are a neoliberal fascist dictatorship… A corporate oligarchy masquerading as a government "of the people…...
116 billionaires are holding their annual meeting in Davos Switzerland this week guarded by 5,000 Swiss army troops… If you believe that these guys have your best interest at heart, you really are a simp… They are discussing the final touches that they plan to...
When Friends and Family All Start Actin Shocked by What’s Happening And I’m Like Did Ya’ll Miss My Last 250,000 Posts?
Geoengineering expert, deep state investigator and author beams in to talk chemtrails, HAARP, MK Ultra, and more on episode 113 of the Far Out with Faust podcast. Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, lecturer,...
This is a Tesla model Y battery. It takes up all of the space under the passenger compartment of the car. To manufacture it you need:--12 tons of rock for Lithium (can also beextracted from sea water)-- 5 tons of cobalt minerals (Most cobalt is madeas a byproduct of...
EMF’s damages your DNA in ways that can Never Be Rectified. Think through generations to come….
TOPICS:Mathew MaavakSurveillance NOVEMBER 13, 2023 By Dr. Mathew Maavak Is the proliferation of poor-quality products, services and talent part of a creative destruction process under the New Normal – leading to universal surveillance? “They don’t make them like...