The Universe/Space Travel/Moon Landing Hoax
Article  “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

Article “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”

The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud !!! is one of fecesbook's current "fact-checkers…here is a little research on them…and it is obvious that they have a globalist slant… Fact Checking is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center...

Meme/Image “Keep Planting Seeds”

Meme/Image “Keep Planting Seeds”

Meme/Image “Fact Checks Coming True”

Meme/Image “Fact Checks Coming True”

Article “The Dark Forces Behind The Agenda Of The New World Order”

Article “The Dark Forces Behind The Agenda Of The New World Order”

The shadowy forces behind the NWO are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over humanity and the resources of our planet.David Icke coined the “Totalitarian of Puntilla”, because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive...

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “The More You Read”

Meme/Image “Opinions Mean Nothing, Facts/Truths Matter”

Meme/Image “Opinions Mean Nothing, Facts/Truths Matter”

Meme/Image “Sad Reality of the World We Live In”

Meme/Image “Sad Reality of the World We Live In”

Meme/Image “Illusion Of Choice”

Meme/Image “Illusion Of Choice”

Meme/Image “Most Will Never Be Unplugged”

Meme/Image “Most Will Never Be Unplugged”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”

Meme/Image – “Always Searching For The Truth”

Meme/Image – “Lied To And Brainwashed”

Meme/Image – “Lied To And Brainwashed”

Meme/Image – “Always Stand, Even If You Are On Your Own”

Meme/Image – “Always Stand, Even If You Are On Your Own”

Meme/Image – “The Real Conspiracy Theorists”

Meme/Image – “The Real Conspiracy Theorists”

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

Meme/Image – “The Times Are Changing”

When Friends and Family All Start Actin Shocked by What’s Happening And I’m Like Did Ya’ll Miss My Last 250,000 Posts?

Meme – “The 8 Real Threats To Humanity”

Meme – “The 8 Real Threats To Humanity”

Article – “Some Things To Ponder”

Article – “Some Things To Ponder”

Just some things to ponder ???? ???? What is an Egyptian pyramid doing on a US dollar bill? Why have 56 countries signed a treaty to not venture into Antarctica? Why do planes never fly over Antarctica? How is it that the moon is the perfect distance and position to...

Meme – “No Trust At All”

Meme – “No Trust At All”

Meme – “Wish We Were Wrong”

Meme – “Wish We Were Wrong”

Meme – “Amy Goodman – Democracy Now”

Meme – “Amy Goodman – Democracy Now”

Image – “Truth vs The Main Stream Media”

Image – “Truth vs The Main Stream Media”
