Meme/Image “The Fear Of JFK Jr”
STOP BEING USEFUL IDIOTS | Minds By not allowing JFK Jr. into the debate they both win. They are both cowards in a rigged system. That’s sad, most Americans don’t like or support either man. Is it any wonder over half of Americans don't even vote anymore. Be a...
Meme/Image “Climate Change Hoax”
Meme/Image “I Swear To Tell The Truth”
LOL,,,,, just priceless, as you just can’t make this stuff up !!!I get a great deal of entertainment from the Kool Aid Drinking Trumpateers…
Image “Why Is This Not In The History Books”
This is North America when Natives Lived Freely…
Meme/Image “BlackRock”
Regardless if you are aware, or not, Society and it’s Governments, are controlled daily by Corporations, most people have never heard of before.News Flash:Just because you are unaware, does not mean it’s not happening !!!
Article “The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud”
The FaceBook Fact Check Fraud !!! is one of fecesbook's current "fact-checkers…here is a little research on them…and it is obvious that they have a globalist slant… Fact Checking is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center...
Meme/Image “The Fact Checking Fraud”
I'VE READ AN AWFULLY LOT OF HISTORY BOOKS, AND THE ONE CONSISTENT THING I HAVE LEARNED IS THAT PEOPLE WHO FIGHT AGAINST FREE SPEECH ARE NEVER THE GOOD GUYS. Those who attempt to quell the free exchange of ideas, or attempt to stifle dissenting opinion are the enemies...
Meme/Image “Keep Planting Seeds”
Images “The Climate Change – Carbon Tax Fraud”
The Climate Change - Carbon Tax Fraud 1988, 66.5% of the spatial area of the U.S. mainland was >90°F (32°C). Today's “unprecedented climate-fueled heat dome” only managed to get 17% of the U.S. land area >90° at peak heating. Our thermometer data doesn't lie,...
Meme/Image “It’s Not Ok Now”
The truth/facts are being exposed daily, at the cost of many getting ill and leaving this World very suddenly !!!In my heart of hearts, I wish everyone who got vaccinated, all the best in the future, even the many who were unkind to me with my decision to not get...
Meme/Image “Fact Checking Fraud”
"FACT CHECKING" Fact-checking has reached such an absurd level that it actually exposes itself as a fraud… They FEAR you speaking upThey FEAR you won't complyThey FEAR you realizing you don't need themThey FEAR you realizing you have the powerThey FEAR you using that...
Meme/Image “WTF Is Happening”
I will never be that Person that says, “I Told You So”, regardless of how much flack I get when I Post on Social Media.I Post to hopefully make People think for themselves, not think like Me…. Ignorance is a Choice, just like being informed is a Choice.The Covid 19...
Meme/Image “You Are What You Eat”
When you are sick, addicted and dumbed down, you are much easier to manipulate…LIVE FREE, EAT HEALTHY! Healthcare does not come from a pill bottle… It comes from exercise and proper nutrition!
Meme/Image “You Are The Carbon They Want To Eliminate”
Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish physicist and chemist discovered that increasing levels of CO2 produced logarithmically decreasing warming. He said more CO2 will provide "more equable and better climates." Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry in 1903. Now, Kamala Harris just...
Meme/Image “Cool Aid Anyone”
Meme/Image “Fact Checks Coming True”
Meme/Image “Elect A Clown, Expect A Circus”
This clown has taken Canada from being ranked second best place in the world to live, to 33rd. Elect a clown, expect a circus.
Meme/Image “The Sad Reality Of Society”
Image “The Covid 19 Lies”
“Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children. The study evaluated...
Meme/Image “The Budget Will Balance Itself”
Meme/Image “The Death Of Truth”
Meme/Image “Degrees Do Not Equal Common Sense”
Sadly, the last 4 years has proven this Meme to be overwhelmingly true….
Meme/Image “The Boogeyman Word to Control Society”
The word “Inflation”, is the Boogeyman Word Governments use to control its citizens.The sooner Society understands this, the sooner Society can take back the control, which unfortunately, will never happen. The Globalists will never allow it.
Meme/Image “What’s a Conspiracy Theorists “
Meme/Image “Waking Up”
Meme/Image “Globalists Control Over Society”
Meme/Image “Man Made Covid 19 Plandemic”
Meme/Image “People, OMG What’s Happening”
Cheers to those who never fell for all the Propganda, Brainwashing, Division and Segregation, perpetuated by the Governments, Pathetic Medical Establishment, Corporations, Globalists, Pharmaceutical & Vaccine Manufacturers…..Sadly, there are many still with their...
Meme/Image “Rockefeller ~ Controlled Medicine”
ROCKEFELLER-BIG PHARMA CONTROL GRID"Not only do the boards of Memorial Sloan Kettering havedirect ties to the Rockefellers; they are also closely linked withdefense industries, the CIA, and chemical and drug firms. It is noaccident that they serve on the board of an...
Meme/Image “Manners Please”
Meme/Image “Mr. Bean Is Right”
Meme/Image “ It’s All In Place”
I HAD TO EXPLAIN PART OF THE MAJOR DEPOPULATION AGENDA TO SOMEONE AND I AM NOW SHARING IT WITH YOU: Joanne Birsan Addis, the 5G grid is already in place in most of the world. The United States has it all over and Europe is coming on strong with it too. It is what is...
Image “No Cash At RBC Alberta”
I just shake my head at all those who don’t believe this is coming ??? It’s already here, most are just too blind to see, until it’s too late….. Don't think we're heading to a cashless society?Say things like "That'll never happen here." or "They can't do that."Guess...
Image “Bless Me Father”
"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl."The priest asks, "Is that you, little Joey Pagano?""Yes, Father, it is.""And who was the girl you were with?""I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation.""Well, Joey, I'm sure to...
Meme/Image “The Great Green Energy Joke”
THE GREAT "SICK JOKE"Lol, and wait until you see how much mining it takes to create those batteries!
Meme/Image “Out Of Control Spending”
LOL… I don’t care how Musk spends his money, I just have a challenge with him being a hypocrite, when it comes to his championing of Free Speech.LOL, as far as the 2 Clowns below, I just laugh and glad I don’t Vote, so I bare no responsibility !!!
Meme/Image “Not Just A Theory”
Meme/Image “They Don’t Want A Nation Of Thinkers, They Want A Nation Of Workers”
…"the whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don't know how to be submissive, and so on -- because they're dysfunctional to the...
Meme/Image “Everything Is Backwards”
“Everything is backward; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.” – Michael Ellner
Meme/Image “Who He Really Works For, Not The People Of Canada”
Image “Kennedy Speech 1961, Predicted The Future”
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on...
Meme/Image “When CBDC’s Become Reality”
Meme/Image “Banks Are Not About Convenience, They Are About Control”
People need to start following suit, as most people have no idea that the banking system is not about convenience, it’s about control !!!If you use self check outs, don’t complain about your kids not being able to find employment, due to You supporting Corporate Greed...
Meme/Image “The More You Read”
Meme/image “Just Say No”
"We, the Common Sense, the Non Political/Religious Affiliated, the Informed, the Search for Facts/Truths, the Non Conformist, People of Canada”
Meme/Image “They Own Everything”
Meme/Image “Opinions Mean Nothing, Facts/Truths Matter”
Meme/Image “If The Zombies Show Up”
Meme/Image “Heads Buried In The Sand”
If you keep looking down at your cell phone, you wouldn’t know they were spraying chemicals down on earth. The chemtrails phrase and the cell phones came out during the same time. 1990’s ????
Meme/Image “I Saw A Psychopath Today”
Meme/Image “Poisoned By The Government 101”
It is strange and eerie feeling to come to therealization that the very wealthy in the world, theones who control the media, governments, thefinancial systems, education, Pharmacompanies and technology are either knowinglyor unknowingly trying to kill us,...
Meme/Image “Big Difference Between Health Care & Sick Care”
Today is World Health Day…..Cheers to those who understand the difference between Health Care & Sick Care, as there is a huge difference !!!Health & Wellness to All
Meme/Image “Times Are Getting Tough”
Meme/Image “Bill Gates Playing God”
Bill Gates has put LOTS of money into making mosquitoes lean toward extinction. The after-effects are the same with every product from this man in the guise of "helping" the world.Make sense yet?
Meme/Image “I’m Sure He Thought About It”
Meme/Image “Anarchism Is Not A Romantic Fable”
The very concept that a small group of men, usually chosen by a dubious popularity contest, have a legitimate and moral right to use violence, coercion, extortion and murder, to enforce their views of how life should be lived until the masses… is not only a ludicrous...
Article “Has Religion Made Useful Contributions To Civilization”
Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (1930) ”My own view on religion is that of Lucretius.* I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race. I cannot, however, deny that it has made some contributions to...
Article “Natural Law Is Freedom, Man’s Law Is Enslavement”
➝ Natural Law is Freedom: Man's Law is Enslavement. ????Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority. Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done...
Image “Why Are People Sick”
Why are people sick ? !! MANDATORY VACCINES !! ️ On the neonatal ward since birth : Hepatitis B ( jaundice) - first dose Tuberculosis (BCG) The second month of life after 6 weeks: Hepatitis B ( jaundice) - second dose Snack, tetanus, cone (DTP) - first dose...
Meme/Image “Wars Are Not Fought For Freedom”
Wars are not fought for freedom…wars are fought to enslave..Truth of the matter is, the troops are NOT fighting for "our freedom", although that is what they believe…the danger to your freedom comes from within your own land, always has, always will…foreign wars are...
Meme/Image “Corruption Of Corporations & Governments”
Wealth of top 1% in 2020: $30 trillion Wealth of top 1% now: $44.6 trillion That’s an increase of nearly 50%. I don’t care if the Wealthy don’t Pay Income Tax….. I do care that Corporations and Governments constantly Mislead Society, while Corporations continue to get...
Meme/Image “The Fraud Of Finally Getting A Zero Emissions Car”
Meme/Image “ The Secret To Eternal Happiness”
Meme/Image “ Ever Wonder Why Society Is Becoming Increasingly Anti-Social”
Meme/Image “Oh Those Mother In-laws”
Meme/Image “Very Few Know Who The Guy Is On The Bottom”
Meme/Image “Who Did The Government Buy The Earth From”
Meme/Image “The Man Made Covid 19 Plandemic”
Meme/Image “Operation Northwoods”
Meme/Image “Teach Your Kids To Read Books”
Image “Mr. Cronkite, Greatly Missed”
Image “The Anxious Generation”
Meme/Image “When Your Are Not Paying Attention”
When You weren’t paying much attention to all the Eclipse stuff, then hear CERN is starting up again that day…
Image “CERN & The April 2024 Solar Eclipse”
CERN to test world's most powerful particle accelerator during April's solar eclipse to search for 'invisible' matter that secretly powers our universe
Meme/Image “Camouflaged Deception”
When the deception is this blatant, the only way to camouflage it, is by distraction. As always, hidden in plain sight and yet so few seem to notice. Look up and realise! ????
Meme/Image “A Lesson For All”
Meme/Image “Question Of The Day…How Do You Explain This”
Meme/Image “Be A Rebel”
“Most people end up being conformists; they adapt to prison life. A few become reformers; they fight for better lighting, better ventilation. Hardly anyone becomes a rebel, a revolutionary who breaks down the prison walls. You...
Meme/Image “The Liberal/NDP Lifestyle”
Meme/Image “No Coincidence”
"I am sure that it's all just a coincidence, right?" For all who watch with apathy as the world crashes and burns around you, please ponder this message, It will be because of your inaction if We The People lose this struggle for liberty NOT because of the … actions...
Image “The Joke of a City Toronto Has Become”
Meme/Image “CIA Operation Mockingbird”
Meme/Image “Meanwhile In Canada”
Article “No Medical Doctor Will Sign This”
PHYSICIAN’S WARRANTY OF VACCINE SAFETYI (Physician’s name, degree)_______________, _____ am a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State/Province of _________. My State/Provincial license number is ___________ , and my DEA number is ____________. My medical...
Meme/Image “Many Fools Out There”
Meme/Image “Pointless Tax Grab”
Meme/Image “Follow Your Heart”
Meme/Image “Truth Vs Bullshit”
Meme/Image “Just Be Kind”
Meme/Image “The Reality of War”
Meme/Image “Success Is Not Always About The Financial Windfall”
Success in life is not always about the Financial Windfall !!! Success to me is being surrounded by Great Family & Friends, who are always there for each other, through the good times and not so good times !!! Success to Me, is reaching out to the Less Fortunate...
Meme/Image “There Is A Big Difference”
Image “Chemtrail Skys”
Meme/Image “Educated or Indoctrinated”
Meme/Image “You Can Come Home Now”
Image “A Beach in the 70’s, Times Sure Have Changed”
A beach in the 70’s. Not one over weight body. My, how the food industry destroyed us.
Image “From Land to Sea”
The Bridge That Comes From Sweden Turns Into A Tunnel Under The Sea And Reappears In Denmark; Both Countries United By This Wonderful Work Of Engineering