➝ Natural Law is Freedom: Man’s Law is Enslavement. ????
Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority. Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done by people like Gandhi who had recognized this knowledge, while most of us are living in the illusion of a myriad of law volumes that we are expected to understand. They fabricate nonsense into existence with rules and regulations to confuse and complicate our lives. We comply for fear of punishment if we do not.
We can choose to become enlightened through an understanding of the forces of the universe as they are, or we can stay out of the prison cell of punishment by complying and basing our actions from the lowest modality of consciousness: fear. Man’s law is based on the dictates of men given power to create rules of conduct. These laws can be different from one time to another or one place to another, so how are they supposed to be based on right and wrong if they are always changing? Choosing what is right and wrong instead of recognizing right from wrong is moral relativism. Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law is sourced from the cosmic forces of creation. Which force do you want to align yourself with?
Natural laws define universal truth that transcends all race, color and creed while man’s laws attempt to restrict the right to sovereign freedom based upon one’s race, color and creed. If all men are created equal, then the creation of man made laws to suit the bias of locales or conditions is a violation of natural law. Human beings do not possess the authority to dictate written laws under the guise of moral relativism that utterly destroys one’s sovereignty and freedom. Our moral sphere is determined by our alignment to the laws of creation, not by the moral relativity bound within man’s mutable laws. We cannot trade our internal self-mastery to know right from wrong for the moral whims of external authority to dictate moral correctness from immoral incorrectness. Our ethical guidance is embedded within the eternal and immutable laws of the universe that supersedes the limitations of ever-changing moral relevancy. Natural law grants us the morally correct principles as trustworthy guidance to prevent our enslavement within immorally incorrect governance. We must heed the lost generative principle of care by which to say NO to moral relativism, and YES to the immutable laws governing the universe and all creation. Mankind has a moral obligation to check and correct the dogmatic beliefs being imposed upon them so as to defend our sovereign freedom, and to maintain the harmonious and natural order at the heart of our existence. Our moral accountability demands that we understand the difference between natural law and man made law.
Our historical past is a repetitive story for the rise and fall of empires and kingdoms whose successes and failures have predominantly relied upon the efficiency of mental constructs by which to rule and steer humanity’s destiny. The established beliefs in which the natural world was to be dominated, feared and exploited have rendered mankind isolated and disconnected from the guiding principles innate to creation. The truth of our moral compass has been usurped in favor of a false authority whose immoral domain has left us drowning in a turbulent sea of dramas and dogmas. It should be clear by now that man’s laws are inferior to the supreme laws of creation unless man made laws are created in harmonious alignment with the truth and knowledge of natural, universal and spiritual laws. Mankind must begin to discern the difference between natural law and man made law if we are going to restore and preserve our divine evolutionary path.
Natural law is a gift from the source of creation. All creation is governed by the innate guiding principles of natural law designed to help us understand the world in which we live, and to live harmoniously and successfully upon the Earth. Natural laws are not limited to the natural world, but rather the wisdom we find in nature unlocks the secrets to the universe and the unseen realms. Thus, natural laws are also universal and spiritual laws; they are the laws of creation. Nature’s wisdom reveals the cosmic and vibratory forces flowing throughout all of creation with a harmonic resonance, and to which we must align and attune in order to find our creative fit upon our planet. We do not live upon a pile of rocks subjected to haphazard and meaningless events; rather we are here to become conscious co-creators in harmonious cooperation with the sentient, cosmic intelligence of a living planet. Natural laws are dynamic, fluid and immutable; man made laws are limited, fixed and mutable. We cannot override the power of natural law with mere mental constructs within man made law that attempts to define and control our existence. We are energy beings governed by the laws of a vibratory universe; we are spiritual beings governed by the mysteries of spiritual law; and we are Earthlings governed by the guiding principles of natural law. Our willingness to embrace the truth and knowledge of these natural principles will insure our return to living harmoniously with nature, the cosmos and one another.
Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority. Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done by people like Gandhi who had recognized this knowledge, while most of us are living in the illusion of a myriad of law volumes that we are expected to understand. They fabricate nonsense into existence with rules and regulations to confuse and complicate our lives. We comply for fear of punishment if we do not. We can choose to become enlightened through an understanding of the forces of the universe as they are, or we can stay out of the prison cell of punishment by complying and basing our actions from the lowest modality of consciousness: fear. Man’s law is based on the dictates of men given power to create rules of conduct. These laws can be different from one time to another or one place to another, so how are they supposed to be based on right and wrong if they are always changing? Choosing what is right and wrong instead of recognizing right from wrong is moral relativism. Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law is sourced from the cosmic forces of creation. Which force do you want to align yourself with?
We have the free will to choose to integrate with the current system we are living in or to refuse to cooperate with this system that is enslaving people. We either do not follow Natural Law or we follow Natural Law regardless of the deception people are living in. The responsibility lies on our shoulders, each one of us as an individual is the way out of our current condition of suffering. We need to understand principles of Natural Law, right and wrong, claim personal responsibility and stop making excuses in order to develop true sovereignty and self-governance. The answer is in the mirror. We are the answer through the expansion and evolution of our consciousness in true education. Spending our time and paying attention on raising ourselves because we were not properly raised, to raise our conscious awareness and understanding of ourselves and reality. This is the requirement for us to advance, change and evolve as a species up the ladder of consciousness and breaking the chains of our current condition into a new world peace, harmony and prosperity.
Natural Law is Hermetically sealed. Nothing can touch it. It is always going to be in operation and will not change, sealed forever. There are consequences to our actions. If we choose to align ourselves with dogma, false beliefs, lies and deception we will create suffering. If we choose to recognize truth and unite with it by embodying principles of Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law we will create freedom, peace and order in our lives. Doing what is false, wrong or bad creates more falsity, wrongness and badness. Doing what is right, good and true creates more of the same. We can choose to align with the forces of creation in reality as it is, the truth, or align with the fantasy illusions of man-as-god dictums of believing whatever we want.
Look at your lives, its quality, its potential. Is it based on the Spirit of Truth, Love, Oneness, God’s Law, or is it directed by unseen divisive forces of evil based in opposition, struggle and conflict?
Yes, the energies which rule your consciousness are that shockingly simple and obvious, for Truth is always self-evident. It requires no study, no belief, no imagination to make itself known: IT IS. Each of you are co-creators of you life. Your life manifests itself by consent — YOUR CONSENT. But to whom do you give such consent? Is it to Godly Truth, or to Satanic Illusion.
Natural Law, Infinite Intelligence is access by unbounded non-dualistic Awareness.
Satanic Illusion is accessed by dualistic Intellect.
Natural Law Trumps All Others!
Even the Satanic Courts of America will acknowledge that immutable Truth.
My question of each of you reading this is: Why would you, or anyone else for that matter chose to live in the thrall of slavery and conflict of man’s dualistic law when the natural state of being, that of living in God’s nondualistic Law is Freedom, Sovereignty and non-conflict?
The problems of today’s society are traced directly to the state of consciousness possessed by civilized men who “have chosen” to follow man’s law for the sake of personal power. They have been seduced by unseen Satanic (opposing) forces who control their lives through never-ending reinforced, remote mind control. They have been blinded to their rightful estate of Truth which is evident all around them, and thus, have been trained to rely upon remote programming for an un-wholistic (unholy) compensatory feeling of security. That is the quantum step which has caused man to relinquish his God-given Sovereignty and accept the chains of Slavery which has bound him to a Hell of his own making.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is a SATANIC ILLUSION. It is illusion because it requires YOUR CONSENT to exist. After all, you ARE THE CO-CREATOR of your life. Through your consent you create the life you lead, either knowingly or unknowingly.
The antidote to the poison of the NEW WORLD ORDER requires a simple act of introspection. Do you want to be Free or do you love your slavery? Which have you personally CONSENTED to?
If you feel you have consented to slavery, and acknowledge that you have made a mistake, you, as cocreator of your lives can change anytime you want, but YOU MUST DO IT. No one can do it for you. What you have consented to, you can NOW remove such consent. No one is damned eternally without their unwitting consent – NO ONE!
Know who you are! Know what you want! Then set into motion the True Estate of God’s Law which no man’s law and its courts can compete with.
How do you do that? You withdraw your consent from all government’s contracts entered into without full disclosure having been made at the time the contract was entered. It is that unholy contract which has reduced you to spiritual and physical slaves, human resources, collateral commercial instruments bought and sold on the world market.
You assert your Sovereignty. You walk away from the relationship you have experienced with the Satanic government. You withdraw your support, financial and psychological. You BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT your previous slavemasters and through your personal lack of refueling the Satanic machine of Government, it inevitably runs out of gas and grinds to a halt. Yes, it IS as simple as that. It is the Spiritual act of RESIST NOT EVIL. It doesn’t take an ounce of your energy to accomplish this monumental change in your life. JUST WITHDRAW!
➝ Right = Correct = True = Moral = Natural Law = No harm done = Good
➝ Wrong = Incorrect = False = Immoral = not Natural Law = Harm done = Evil
In society there are some who are punished and lose their freedom for not having harmed another, while others who engage in harm against another are never acted upon and stopped. In order for someone to violate Natural Law, another must be violated or harmed, and then action can be taken against them to stop this harm. No imaginary rights can be invented or granted to individuals or groups where they did not exist for every other individual.
For example, can you imagine giving someone a right you do not possess? If one person can’t steal from others, who then can take from the labors of others? No one. No amount of people collected into a group can assume or grant such a right that does not exist. If 1000 people don’t have the right to take the labor of others by threats (which is what taxation is), then a group of those 1000 people calling themselves “government” can’t invent or assume a right that does not exist. Granting something you do not possess yourself is an illusion. A right cannot be assumed if it does not already exist. So why can’t we write laws into existence? Because we are not “God”.
Man’s law is irrelevant in light of the revelation and recognition of Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law. If man’s law is in contradiction with Natural Law, it is false and immoral and not binding upon anyone, otherwise it is in harmony with Natural Law and is redundan.
➝ The Choice is Ours! We Have Much To Learn And Face In Ourselves If We Are To Alter Our Current Course. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/04/02/the-choice-is-ours-we-have-much-to-learn-and-face-in-ourselves-if-we-are-to-alter-our-current-course-2/
➝ Align Our Compass and Care for Truth: The Great Work. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/09/23/align-our-compass-and-care-for-truth-the-great-work/
➝ Stand in Truth. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/04/01/stand-in-truth/
➝ The Seven Hermetic Principles ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2023/01/24/the-seven-hermetic-principles/
➝ Our Character — The Etymology of Morality. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2019/02/11/our-character-the-etymology-of-morality/
➝ ∑ FREEDOM ∝ ∑ MORALITY — Morality is an objective Law of Nature. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/freedom-morality-morality-is-an-objective-law-of-nature/
➝ Truth is the Foundation That Leads to the Healing Wisdom of Right-Action. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/truth-is-the-foundation-that-leads-to-the-healing-wisdom-of-right-action-2/
➝ Higher and Lower Self Qualities. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/20/higher-and-lower-self-qualities/
➝ Internal & External Anarchy and Monarchy. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/02/internal-external-anarchy-and-monarchy/
➝ How Consciousness Expresses, How Our Brains Function, And How Our Emotions SHOULD Be Cultivated To Operate Within The Parameters Of Their TRUE Design — That Of a Moral Compass. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2023/04/14/how-consciousness-expresses-how-our-brains-function-and-how-our-emotions-should-be-cultivated-to-operate-within-the-parameters-of-their-true-design-that-of-a-moral-compass-2/
➝ The Real Pandemic in Our World is Moral Relativism ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2023/03/07/the-real-pandemic-in-our-world-is-moral-relativism-2/
➝ Natural Law and The Concept of “Authority”. ???? https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2023/04/11/natural-law-and-the-concept-of-authority-2/
➝ NATURAL LAW EXPRESSIONS. ????: https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2023/04/03/natural-law-expressions/
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