“I understand how tough it is right now” for Canadians, said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau only days before leaving for a free Jamaican vacation at a $9,300-per-night resort.
“The prime minister, in an interview with the CBC, sympathized with people who were having trouble buying groceries and paying bills and said he hoped young people could still “aspire” to buy a home. “Canadians are facing tough times,” he said. “But we are doing what we always do as Canadians: we roll up our sleeves.”
“He then jetted off to the Caribbean to stay at a villa that is fully staffed by “butlers, cook, gardener, housekeeper/laundress,” according to the resort’s website.
“It’s not that prime ministers don’t deserve vacations, even nice ones. The problem is that Trudeau pretends to empathize with the difficulties of ordinary Canadians when he is clearly out of touch with them.”
Read more at the National Post: [here would a link to this article, but thanks to Trudeau’s Bill C-18, it’s no longer possible]