The Uncommon Canadian

The Uncommon Canadian

Being misinformed is a choice… “Knowledge is Power”

Why The Uncommon Canadian?

Just so readers are aware, below was written in 2007 and now look where we are today, with World Events. Myself and others were ridiculed back then and still get ridiculed today with sharing information. I must say, I and others, have an impeccable track record of the things We have shared, coming to fruition and Truth/Facts being exposed. With todays technology, being ignorant is no longer an excuse, it’s a choice!

(Below was written in 2007)
For many years now, I have been educating myself on various issues regarding, our health system, the banking system, political corruption and most importantly, the everyday stripping of our God Give and Constitutional Rights by the so called and exercising Powers To Be.

Why The Uncommon Canadian? Well just sit right back and I will tell you the reasoning for this blog.
Again, for many years now, I have tried numerous ways to educate many people on the real issues affecting society on a daily basis. Fortunately, a small handful of these same people actually took the time to educate themselves on the many issues you will read about on this blog. To be frank, I do not get my education and information from the everyday media as most do. However, the Shayne Doan controversy in the House of Commons (May 2, 2007), was the last straw for this (Uncommon) Canadian. With all the serious issues going on in this country at the time (The North American Union, Codex, 911, N.A.F.T.A, etc, etc, etc) which most have no idea about, I finally dug very deep inside of myself and came to a conclusion. People have to be educated and shame on the majority of our pathetic media. I can assure you the majority of the Media and Politicians in this country and the world, are not giving you the proper information. The only way I could do something and make a difference without running for Politics is this Blog. By the way, our media is another issue and I will get to that at another time.

My hope for this blog is to be a place where anyone can go to get the truth on what is going on in our world today. Whether you want to believe it or not, there is a small group of very powerful people in this world who have plans for a New World Order. The politicians of the world are only puppets to the Global Elite, The Bankers and The Corporations. And believe me when I say this, they are very close in implementing the final stages to dominate the world.

On a curious note. Do you ever wonder why the good decent people are never elected, or worse, the ones who do get elected, are often forced out and sometimes assassinated (Lincoln, JFK)? Do you ever ask yourself why there are so many problems in this world? Look at the people who are in Power. There are very few decent Politicians (people) out there who actually think about, or, actually care about the well being of the people who elected them. Unfortunately, when you become a Politician, you have to dance to the beat of the party, regardless of what you think. Call me crazy, but just take a quick look around at our society. The majority are very unhappy with what is going on, but, it still continues. You elect a different party, you get the same thing. Funny how that works. Take some time and research the difference between how much time and money was spent on the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal compared to the 911 lies and the death of thousands of human beings. You will be amazed (outraged) at the findings.

People, it is time to wake up. We owe it to our children, grandchildren, the world and ourselves, to protect what many people before us fought for and died for. Our Freedom!

I do not expect people to be as well connected to the different information sources as I am. With that said, on this blog will be a link to every website and organization I draw my information from. Unfortunately, what happens in the U.S.A, most often affects Canada & the World. That is the reasoning for so many U.S based articles.

Please share this blog with all you know. We can and will make a difference.
Education & Empowerment is the key.

Wishing you health & happiness
Bud Azzopardi – Founder
The Uncommon Canadian

Blog Posts

Meme/Image “The Boogeyman Word to Control Society”

Meme/Image “The Boogeyman Word to Control Society”

The word “Inflation”, is the Boogeyman Word Governments use to control its citizens.The sooner Society understands this, the sooner Society can take back the control, which unfortunately, will never happen. The Globalists will never allow it.

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Article “Google Hides Information”

Article “Google Hides Information”

Google is so powerful that it "hides" other search systems from us. We just don't know the existence of most of them.Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of...

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Meme/Image “People, OMG What’s Happening”

Meme/Image “People, OMG What’s Happening”

Cheers to those who never fell for all the Propganda, Brainwashing, Division and Segregation, perpetuated by the Governments, Pathetic Medical Establishment, Corporations, Globalists, Pharmaceutical & Vaccine Manufacturers…..Sadly, there are many still with their...

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Meme/Image “Rockefeller ~ Controlled Medicine”

Meme/Image “Rockefeller ~ Controlled Medicine”

ROCKEFELLER-BIG PHARMA CONTROL GRID"Not only do the boards of Memorial Sloan Kettering havedirect ties to the Rockefellers; they are also closely linked withdefense industries, the CIA, and chemical and drug firms. It is noaccident that they serve on the board of an...

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Meme/Image “ It’s All In Place”

Meme/Image “ It’s All In Place”

I HAD TO EXPLAIN PART OF THE MAJOR DEPOPULATION AGENDA TO SOMEONE AND I AM NOW SHARING IT WITH YOU: Joanne Birsan Addis, the 5G grid is already in place in most of the world. The United States has it all over and Europe is coming on strong with it too. It is what is...

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Image “No Cash At RBC Alberta”

Image “No Cash At RBC Alberta”

I just shake my head at all those who don’t believe this is coming ??? It’s already here, most are just too blind to see, until it’s too late….. Don't think we're heading to a cashless society?Say things like "That'll never happen here." or "They can't do that."Guess...

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Image “Bless Me Father”

Image “Bless Me Father”

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl."The priest asks, "Is that you, little Joey Pagano?""Yes, Father, it is.""And who was the girl you were with?""I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation.""Well, Joey, I'm sure to...

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Meme/Image “Out Of Control Spending”

Meme/Image “Out Of Control Spending”

LOL… I don’t care how Musk spends his money, I just have a challenge with him being a hypocrite, when it comes to his championing of Free Speech.LOL, as far as the 2 Clowns below, I just laugh and glad I don’t Vote, so I bare no responsibility !!!

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Meme/Image “Everything Is Backwards”

Meme/Image “Everything Is Backwards”

“Everything is backward; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.” – Michael Ellner

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Image “Kennedy Speech 1961, Predicted The Future”

Image “Kennedy Speech 1961, Predicted The Future”

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on...

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Article “Vaccine Research Is Important”

Article “Vaccine Research Is Important”

VaccineResearch2019 This is all of the research I have collected on vaccinations. ALL OF THESE STUDIES ARE PUBLISHED, LEGITIMATE STUDIES ON PUBMED which is a government database. Vaccines and...

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Meme/image “Just Say No”

Meme/image “Just Say No”

"We, the Common Sense, the Non Political/Religious Affiliated, the Informed, the Search for Facts/Truths, the Non Conformist, People of Canada”

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Article “The Cattle Cars Are Coming”

Article “The Cattle Cars Are Coming”

"Dear America,Do not worry in these challenging times. The government is on top of this and have nothing but your best interests in mind.Sincerely,The Tuskegee "Guinea Pigs" “So many ignorant people pretending this isn’t happening. FEMA owns the country now. And...

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Meme/Image “Heads Buried In The Sand”

Meme/Image “Heads Buried In The Sand”

If you keep looking down at your cell phone, you wouldn’t know they were spraying chemicals down on earth. The chemtrails phrase and the cell phones came out during the same time. 1990’s ????

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Article “Never, Ever Comply, Take The Fine”

Article “Never, Ever Comply, Take The Fine”

DO NOT COMPLY! If a "health officer" shows up at your door and demands to check your vaccine papers, and threatens that you and your children will be force vaccinated against your will or face a $1000 fine, state this: You will take the $1000 fine, but you will also:...

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Meme/Image “Poisoned By The Government 101”

Meme/Image “Poisoned By The Government 101”

It is strange and eerie feeling to come to therealization that the very wealthy in the world, theones who control the media, governments, thefinancial systems, education, Pharmacompanies and technology are either knowinglyor unknowingly trying to kill us,...

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Meme/Image “Bill Gates Playing God”

Meme/Image “Bill Gates Playing God”

Bill Gates has put LOTS of money into making mosquitoes lean toward extinction. The after-effects are the same with every product from this man in the guise of "helping" the world.Make sense yet?

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Meme/Image “Anarchism Is Not A Romantic Fable”

Meme/Image “Anarchism Is Not A Romantic Fable”

The very concept that a small group of men, usually chosen by a dubious popularity contest, have a legitimate and moral right to use violence, coercion, extortion and murder, to enforce their views of how life should be lived until the masses… is not only a ludicrous...

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Image “Why Are People Sick”

Image “Why Are People Sick”

Why are people sick ? !! MANDATORY VACCINES !! ️ On the neonatal ward since birth : Hepatitis B ( jaundice) - first dose Tuberculosis (BCG) The second month of life after 6 weeks: Hepatitis B ( jaundice) - second dose Snack, tetanus, cone (DTP) - first dose...

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Meme/Image “Wars Are Not Fought For Freedom”

Meme/Image “Wars Are Not Fought For Freedom”

Wars are not fought for freedom…wars are fought to enslave..Truth of the matter is, the troops are NOT fighting for "our freedom", although that is what they believe…the danger to your freedom comes from within your own land, always has, always will…foreign wars are...

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Meme/Image “Corruption Of Corporations & Governments”

Meme/Image “Corruption Of Corporations & Governments”

Wealth of top 1% in 2020: $30 trillion Wealth of top 1% now: $44.6 trillion That’s an increase of nearly 50%. I don’t care if the Wealthy don’t Pay Income Tax….. I do care that Corporations and Governments constantly Mislead Society, while Corporations continue to get...

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