Meme/Image – “Hey Siri, Hey Alexa, What Are They Spraying in the Skies”

Jan 16, 2024

ALEXA FTW! Go ahead and try it yourself! “Hey Alexa, what are they spraying in the skies?

“Alexa: “Nano plastics, aluminum and barium are currently being sprayed into our skies. The substances are believed to be a part of a global climate engineering program aimed at cooling down the earths temperature. However, there are concerns about the potential environmental impacts of these substances. ( I removed the part where Alexa says my account name )

Just wait till you hear Alexa’s answer to the second question: “ Alexa is nano particles, aluminum, barium harmful to the environment?”

You honestly can’t get better than this! not once, but two times , Alexa “they are sprayed in the skies!”..

StratosphericAerosolInjection #GeoEngineering #chemtrails #geoengineeringwatch #haarp #freethesky #weathermodification #lookup #floridachemtrails #SAI #cloudseeding #solarradiationmanagement #sulfuricacid #chaff #SRM #globaldimming #StopTheSpraying
